All about mineral filters - zinc oxide and titanium dioxide in cosmetics

All about mineral filters - zinc oxide and titanium dioxide in cosmetics
Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are now a relatively popular topic in the field of natural cosmetics or tanning with mineral filters. However, both of them hide much more power than you might think!More information
Ingredients for this recipeZinc oxideTitanium dioxide
You can buy the individual ingredients right below the procedure

Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are the two products you're most likely to throw in the eco-goat basket when you're about to experiment with making homemade sunscreen. What are their superpowers and why choose these champions?

Good and bad filters in sunscreen cosmetics

We have already mentioned mineral UV radiation filters, but let's summarize it once more. In chemical-based sunscreens, we find synthetic filters, for example a coral killer called oxybenzone. It not only suffocates beautiful and age-old corals, but also penetrates our skin, among other things.

While chemical sunscreens block UVA and UVB rays using chemicals, mineral sunscreens use a physical filter that reflects sunlight to block UV rays. If you want to better imagine it, it is actually a protective layer created by minerals, such as our oxide friends.

A big plus is that mineral filters stay on the surface of our skin and, unlike chemical filters, do not penetrate it. When we apply sunscreen with a mineral filter, we can immediately go outside in the sun. Chemical sunscreens usually need half an hour for the ingredients to be absorbed.

So that the mineral filters work safely

Mineral filters use the so-called "mirror system" to reflect UV radiation. We can imagine small microscopic mirrors all over the skin that reflect dangerous radiation back into the surrounding environment.

In order for it to work well, the cream and the mineral filter contained in it must be evenly spread over the entire surface of the skin. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that the filter is properly mixed in when making homemade sunscreen.

As far as dosage is concerned, the percentage of mineral filter in the total content of the cream should be at least 7%, but on the contrary, at most 25%. In addition, if you put too much oxide in the cream, you will become a white person after applying it.

An inseparable pair

It is reasonable not to rely on only one oxide and to put both oxides in the cream. They go hand in hand. Zinc oxide is capable of reflecting both UVA and UVB radiation, but the maximum protection it provides us in manufactured cosmetics is SPF 10. In contrast, titanium dioxide, which only deals with UVB radiation, can achieve a higher SPF value, so it is simply the best, when you slide them both into your cream.

Don't be white as a wall

Mineral sunscreens are absolutely great, but they still have one small (but essential for many people) minus. Because mineral filters are not absorbed into the skin, they tend to leave a white layer on the skin.

But watch out! This cosmetic flaw is nothing we can't deal with. If it bothers you that your tan doesn't stand out with mineral sunscreen or that you look somehow unhealthy, simply add mica powder or colored oxide to the product. The skin will get a beautiful fresh color, and it will also have a nice, soft shine! All golden, bronze and orange shades are suitable for summer skin care – we love Sunbeam Gold, Just Peachy and Gold Sparks. If your skin is darker, we recommend adding a pinch of brown, possibly red and yellow color oxide.

What is it and what can it do?

If you're not making sunscreen for the entire Klapzub eleven, you'll probably have some titanium dioxide and zinc oxide left over. So that they don't just lie sadly in the cupboard, it's good to know what these two white powders actually are and what they can be used for.

Zinc oxide

Zinc oxide can be found under the terms "zinc white" or also under the chemical name ZnO. It is a natural mineral in the form of a white powder, insoluble in water. In nature, we would find it in the form of the mineral zincite, but it is also widely produced in laboratories.

It is particularly famous in the field of natural sunscreens, where it is used as a natural mineral filter against UV radiation. But it also works as a great white dye. It is also a medicinal and essential ingredient of some cosmetic products, in pharmacy it is used in ointments and creams.

When making homemade cosmetics, it can be sprinkled into eye shadows, blushes, powders, lipsticks, eyeliners, mascaras, homemade soaps, bath salts or even nail polish. And if you've ever bought a powder or make-up that's too dark, you can lighten it just right with zinc oxide. (But be careful, this white powder is really powerful and quite simply you can walk around the world as bright as a geisha! :))

Zinc oxide is literally beneficial for the skin. In addition to protecting against UV rays, it also has great regenerative effects, making it perfect for supporting the healing of burns, sprains and other skin injuries. We will also use its medicinal properties in the care of acneic or eczematous skin, when it can help reduce skin inflammation.

The legend is then, of course, the good old zinc ointment that has been tried and tested for years. This is where we can dab on pimples, burns and rashes to speed up healing and healing. If you don't have it at home yet, you don't have to run to the pharmacy at all. Make it! You can find all the necessary ingredients and instructions on Ekokoze, and even beginners can get started. It's a strum!

Zinc is also a great fighter against sweating – it can absorb moisture, so it is not missing from many natural deodorants.

Titanium dioxide

Titanium dioxide, titanium white or also TiO2 - under these names we can find our second helper, which has its rightful place not only in the world of cosmetics.

Titanium dioxide is often used as a pigment because of its high brightness and very high refractive index. In such use, its resistance to UV radiation is also an advantage. It absorbs UV radiation and converts it into harmless heat. Its high reflectivity, brightness and color constancy also determine it as a suitable material for use in the form of thin coatings on special optics such as dielectric mirrors.

In cosmetics it is mainly used as a white pigment, it is even used in this way in tattoos. However, we can find it everywhere around us, it is for example in toothpaste, paper, white bread, paint... In short, titanium dioxide is almost everywhere we look!

 We will also use titanium dioxide in the production of home decorative cosmetics, from concealer to make-up to powder and shadows! For geeks, we have a recipe for making homemade mineral makeup , in which you can also use your zinc oxide supplies.

Do you use zinc oxide and titanium dioxide in your production?


Raw materials
Zinc oxide
Titanium dioxide
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