Almond kernels natural 27 - 30 small, 1 kg

Almond kernels natural 27 - 30 small, 1 kg

Product ID6829
Natural almonds are unpeeled, unsalted and always fresh from us.More information
13,11 EUR 11,92 EUR excl. VAT
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Natural almonds are unpeeled, unsalted and always fresh from us. 27-30 is the designation for quality, cheap almonds of a smaller size, suitable for baking and the production of almond milk or butter. You can also use them in granola or breakfast mix.

Natural almonds contain more than 50% fat (52 g in 100 g). They consist mainly of monounsaturated (34%) and polyunsaturated (11%) fatty acids, which are healthy for our heart.

Despite their high fat content and energy value (2649 kj in 100 g), they are recommended for weight loss and are a frequent basis of low-carbohydrate diet recipes. They contain a lot of fiber (12 g in 100 g), protein (18.3 g of protein in 100 g) and a number of antioxidants that our body needs. These are mainly found in the skin of the almond, so it is healthier to consume almonds unpeeled.

Natural almonds are a source of magnesium (269 mg in 100 g) and vitamins B2 and E.


How to enjoy almonds

Natural almonds are great on their own, but you can also add them to homemade granola. Smaller sized almonds are ideal for making almond butter and milk. They are suitable whole or ground into ice creams, porridges, fruit and nut mixtures, salads or muesli.

Where almonds grow

The almond tree, or common almond tree, comes from North Africa and Asia, and you can find them here in some parts of South Moravia. But California specializes in exporting them to the world, where the majority (around 80%) of almonds come from and they are also the tastiest. But they are also grown in Australia, Chile or Spain. If you're looking for an almond tree, definitely don't expect a massive, huge tree.

Rather, it is a sprawling, dense bush that blooms beautifully in spring and most often charms us with its white, light pink to reddish color. Almond tolerates heat, does not tolerate high humidity, and is decimated by winter frosts.

Where do we import almonds from?

Most often, we have almonds from California in the USA, where almonds grow best and are the tastiest from here. We carefully inspect each batch to deliver the best and most delicious nuts to you.


  • Cores of sweet ALMONDS 100%
  • Allergens marked in the composition in large letters.

Minimum durability

  • 12 months

Nutritional data per 100 g of product
  • Energy value: 2649 kJ / 632 kcal
  • Fats: 52 g, of which saturated fatty acids: 4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 19.1 g, of which sugars: 4.8 g
  • Protein: 18.3 g
  • Salt: < 0.025 g
  • Parameters
    Unit weight (g)1000
    Most common useFoodstuffs
    Package size1
    Country of originUSA
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