Caffeine serum against puffiness under the eyes

30 min
Caffeine serum against puffiness under the eyes
Do you suffer from unsightly bags or dark circles under your eyes? Try a simple but extremely effective caffeine serum, which can remove all fatigue, stress and haste from your face. The cobydup is ready, no special ingredients are needed for it and it is also great as a gift... perhaps for the approaching Christmas.More information
Ingredients for this recipe3-4 tablespoons of avocado oilA drop of vitamin EPipette bottle
You can buy the individual ingredients right below the procedure

Three times the glory of coffee

Dark circles, swollen and red eyes, tiredness, gray skin color... when we go to bed later than our body likes, it often shows us very clearly. Universal solution? COFFEE! Both internally and externally. Fresh, fragrant coffee will fight fatigue, and the caffeine serum will turn around puffiness around the eyes. And when used regularly, it even treats dark circles under the eyes!

Eyes lined with black

It is completely normal for the area around the eyes to be slightly darker than the rest of the face. The skin under the eyes is very thin and delicate. The dark color is caused by the oxygenated blood that flows slowly through it, which is much more visible than in other parts of the face due to the absence of fatty tissue.

But why does someone have more pronounced circles, even if they watch their lifestyle? In most cases, the culprit is genes, which we cannot change. However, we can improve and brighten the area around the eyes, which leads to a healthier and happier look and feel. And we can do it easily, just using oil and coffee!

The merits of coffee and caffeine

Caffeine at the application site will promote blood circulation and promote collagen production, as well as firming the skin and preventing water retention. Which means, in translation, that the serum with caffeine will reduce puffiness, brighten the skin and disappear under-eye circles. In addition, coffee as such is loaded with antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause the unsightly appearance of the skin, and its pH is the same as the pH of the skin, so the skin will not be dried or irritated after applying coffee products.

Tailor made oil base

Words of praise must also go to the oils that we will use in the serum. We've picked out a few of our favorites that you can mix and match as you please. Drop a little of each into the serum, or use just one in a minimalist way. It's up to you!

Avocado oil softens the skin and keeps it soft. In addition, it can fight inflammation and is a great choice for aging, damaged or very sensitive skin. Avocado oil is very well tolerated by the skin and contains a large amount of oleic acid. If you want to nourish and brighten the eye area, reach for it.

Rice oil is light and if you are looking for something that absorbs quickly and doesn't leave your skin greasy, rice oil will be the one for you. In addition, rice oil wonderfully slows down the formation of wrinkles, is full of antioxidants, and lightens pigment spots and dark spots on the skin.

Evening primrose oil contains a high amount of the necessary unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic and linolenic acids, which makes it an unrivaled fighter against inflammatory skin conditions, be it eczema or acne, but also against wrinkles. Evening primrose oil regenerates and heals the skin, so if dark circles are caused by damaged, weak and stressed skin, add evening primrose to the serum as well.

Grape seed oil is full of antioxidants, vitamin C and E, beta-carotene, and like evening primrose oil, it also contains a lot of linoleic acid. It perfectly brightens, hydrates and revives sagging skin. So a great choice for morning care!

Carrot oil is actually carrot seed extract dissolved in sunflower oil. It therefore combines the effects of two ingredients that are great for caring for aging skin. Carrot oil is full of antioxidants and has a very beneficial effect on tired and sagging skin, giving it a healthy tone. It has a distinct sunny color, which must be taken into account during application. :) If carrots don't appeal to you, but sunflowers do, reach for a caring, high-quality organic sunflower oil that soothes and deeply regenerates the skin.

Rosehip oil also boasts a beautiful distinctive orange color. It is full of vitamin C and unsaturated fatty acids, so it fights wrinkles and acne very well. Its indisputable advantage is the speed of absorption, for which it is considered one of the so-called dry oils. Rosehip oil regenerates the skin, brightens it, supports its vitality and protects it from adverse effects.

Apricot oil is a great all-purpose oil suitable for all skin types. The skin is flexible, soft and nourished with it. Apricot kernel oil softens, regenerates and cleans. In addition, it does not leave a greasy feeling, is light and absorbs very well. It works well with sensitive and dry skin.

So you already know which oils to choose?

Eye oil serum with caffeine

What does it take?

You can adjust the amount as needed, there is no need to follow exact proportions

- 2 tablespoons of freshly ground coffee

- 3-4 tablespoons of suitable oils (mentioned above)

- A drop of vitamin E

- Cheese cloth or spa bag for infusing herbs

- Pipette bottle

How to do it?

It couldn't be easier. Pour the ground coffee into a container (perhaps a mason jar), add oils, cover with a lid or cloth and leave to infuse for several days, ideally in a dark and cool place. If you have spa bags for infusing herbs, first pour oil into the glass, pour the coffee into the bag and place the coffee bag in the oil.

When it's infused, reach for a cheesecloth and strain the oil through it into a small bowl. If you used spa bags, simply remove the coffee bag. In both cases, squeeze out as much oil as possible from the coffee, so that not a drop goes to waste (but don't throw the coffee away!). Then drop vitamin E into the coffee oil and pour the mixture into the selected bottle suitable for the serum.

And we're done!

How and when to use it?

It is up to you whether you want to use the serum in the morning, in the evening or both. Always apply the drop under the eyes and pat it into the skin with the ring finger (it is the "weakest" of the fingers, so the best for caring for the very sensitive and delicate eye area).


The serum does not need to be stored in the refrigerator. However, if you are suffering from puffy eyes, the cold serum taken from the refrigerator is very pleasant and effective under the eyes. In addition, the cold product wakes up beautifully in the morning!

If you want to enjoy a great massage with the serum, pour it into a bottle with a roll-on ball, thanks to which you not only apply the serum evenly, but also gently massage the skin and support blood and lymph circulation.

Definitely do not throw away the coffee after draining, but first do a gentle oil-coffee peeling with it. Apply the coffee to the skin in areas that need some love and massage in circular motions. You will get rid of dry skin and the skin will be beautifully brightened after use. Coffee peeling is great for hands, elbows, feet or the butt area - caffeine also works against cellulite!

The coffee serum will also make a lovely gift! If you're going to make it, be sure to make a larger quantity right away. You know, Christmas is coming and there are never enough ideas for unusual meaningful gifts!

Do you use products with natural caffeine?

Raw materials
3-4 tablespoons of avocado oil
A drop of vitamin E
Pipette bottle
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