Cinnamon - and everything you need to know about it

Cinnamon - and everything you need to know about it
Today, almost every housewife can find cinnamon in her pantry, of course, this spice cannot be missing in any strudel or apple pie.More information
Ingredients for this recipeCinnamon essential oilCosmetic fragrancesHot chocolateCinnamon products
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What comes to mind when you think of the winter season? The house smells of purple and after evenings snuggled up in the duvets we sip mulled wine and the warm smell is everywhere. Cinnamon, a spice that can conjure up this unique atmosphere, cannot be missing anywhere and in anything. The best thing about cinnamon is that it gives us and our bodies much more than just a delicious eating experience and a soothing sensation.

Seasoning for all ages

Cinnamon can be proud of a long history, whether it is its use in cooking or in medicine. It has been used since ancient times by all ancient cultures, the Jews, the Romans and the Egyptians, during the last anointing ceremonies and for its ability to keep food fresh longer. In the Middle Ages, people considered cinnamon such a luxury that they even paid for it in gold.

What cinnamon can do

It is not surprising that people have been using cinnamon for millennia, as the list of proven medicinal effects of cinnamon is long.

Regulates blood sugar and lowers blood pressure

Perhaps no other disease and its possible treatment with cinnamon has been written more than diabetes or high blood sugar. According to a number of studies (kuk and kuk), cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels by an admirable 29%. It also copes with increased blood pressure, and in addition reduces the value of cholesterol and triacylglycerols in the blood, so we can safely say that regular consumption of this miracle spice will help you reduce the risk of heart disease. If you have these problems, treat yourself to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon every day.

Acts against microbes

Cinnamon bark essential oil fights bacteria and other unwanted animals and germs exceptionally well. Cinnamon oil can even deal with E. coli bacteria. In addition, it is strongly disinfecting and protective.

Therefore, add it to your homemade toothpaste, it will kill the bacteria responsible for tooth decay.

Studies have recently been conducted in New Zealand that have shown that cinnamon essential oil is the most effective fighter against a bacteria called Streptoccocus mutans . It is this that lives in our oral cavity, attaches itself to the teeth and secretes corrosive acid, thereby creating tooth decay. But that's not all, cinnamon essential oil can also fight bacteria that cause gum disease first-class.

Haven't we convinced you yet that adding cinnamon to your diet is a good idea?

It is anti-inflammatory and antiviral

Cinnamon has been proven to very successfully suppress the enzyme that causes various inflammations in the body. At the same time, it is antiviral, so if a bacterium jumps out at you and you have a cold, add a pinch (or two, three?) to your morning porridge, smoothie or tea and you will avoid inflammation.

It is a natural antioxidant

Antioxidants are talked about everywhere, so we probably don't need to explain to you that antioxidants are substances that protect our bodies from oxidative stress caused by bad free radicals. What you may not have known until now is the fact that in a study that compared the antioxidant effectiveness of almost 30 different spices, cinnamon won as one of the most effective natural antioxidants, fighting against such giants as garlic or cloves (kuk).

On the brain

And a pearl at the end. New studies have shown that cinnamon fights the tau protein. So what? This protein plays an important role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. This is because Tau protein is deposited in the brain, which is then clogged with it and destroyed. Cinnamon has a huge potential in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, we will definitely hear more about this ability of cinnamon in the future.

How to use and use cinnamon

Now comes the fun part! We already know that cinnamon is beneficial for health, so how can we use it?

For flu, colds and coughs - if something is bothering you, take half a teaspoon in tea with lemon and honey every day. Or simply add cinnamon to your favorite (homemade) cough syrup.

Care of teeth and gums - a lot has been said about this point, but cinnamon is simply unbeatable in the care of teeth and gums. Make your own homemade toothpaste (recipe) and add a few drops of cinnamon essential oil.

To support digestion - have you indulged in food and it's hard for you? Drink a glass of water or a cup of tea with half a teaspoon of cinnamon, it will start digestion and you will feel better sooner.

For soap - who wouldn't want to be surrounded by the warm smell of cinnamon while taking a bath... Try making your own soap with us, combine the scent yourself or give a chance to prepared cosmetic scents, our favorites for the winter season are Warm Spices and Cardamom, of course cinnamon is not missing in them. If you don't feel like making soap at home, we recommend beautiful natural soaps, which will also make a wonderful and nice gift.

Face mask - simply mix ground cinnamon with honey and apply to face, leave for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

To create a magical atmosphere - a candle with the scent of cinnamon and cloves is (not only) absolutely indispensable in winter. And The Greatest Candle came up with an absolutely wonderful idea - how about making your own scented candle easily and quickly at home from (used) vegetable cooking oil? You can then gift the candle to your loved ones, they will surely be delighted!

For weight loss - cinnamon reliably starts the metabolism, if you are trying to lose a few pounds, add cinnamon to your food, it will help your burning. Cinnamon is useful even if you limit the sweetening of tea or coffee, because it is naturally sweet and you don't need to use as much sugar.

For chocolate - chocolate and cinnamon create a perfect harmony, in the winter you will be warmed up nicely by hot chocolate, which you will have once or twice. If you prefer chocolate in solid form, try making chocolate yourself, you can add cinnamon and much more.

And to the recipes - of course, we must not forget to mention all the great and years-proven ways of using cinnamon, it is irreplaceable in strudel, it adds flavor to pancakes and fritters, and cinnamon sugar saves you time when cooking. Cinnamon also goes well with salty dishes, try adding it to tomato sauces and vegetable curries.

Ceylon cinnamon or Chinese cinnamon?

Many people do not realize that there are a huge number of different types of one spice in the world. It's the same with cinnamon. The two most important types of cinnamon are Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon. Both types are beneficial for health, but if you want to use cinnamon as a natural medicine, it is good to distinguish between them and know their differences.

The substance that gives cinnamon its unmistakable smell and taste is called cinnamaldehyde. This is the compound that makes cinnamon bark such a great helper in the fight against disease. But be careful here, cinnamaldehyde is beneficial to health only in a reasonable amount. But do not be afraid at all, if you use cinnamon in a normal amount, nothing bad can happen, on the contrary. But remember:

Ceylon cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon is generally considered "the real" cinnamon. Cultivated in Sri Lanka, but also in some parts of India, it is obtained from the Cinnamomum verum tree, the true cinnamon tree.

If you were to compare the taste of Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia (Chinese), the taste of Ceylon will be milder, precisely because of the lower content of cinnamaldehyde. And that's what makes Ceylon cinnamon the healthiest and safest option when it comes to using it as a natural remedy. Some people also prefer Ceylon cinnamon in the kitchen, especially if "ordinary" cinnamon is too aromatic and spicy for them.

Cassia cinnamon

You can find this type of cinnamon in practically all supermarkets and shops. It is obtained from the Chinese cinnamon tree, which grows, we probably won't surprise you, in China. Chinese cinnamon is the cheaper option, precisely because over 90% of its oil comes from cinnamaldehyde. Because of this, we usually use it in cooking, because it is very spicy and you really only need a little bit of it. But scientists agree that because of the high content of cinnamaldehyde, Chinese cinnamon is not suitable for use as a natural medicine.

Chinese cinnamon also contains large amounts of coumarin, which in high doses can negatively affect liver function. The Danish government even recently started regulating the use of cinnamon in baked goods to make sure people don't consume unnecessarily high (and potentially dangerous) amounts of the substance. In Ceylon cinnamon, unlike Chinese cinnamon, you will find a minimal amount of coumarin.

Cinnamon overdose

It's like that with everything, even with cinnamon, our familiar saying applies - everything in moderation. Experts agree that using cinnamon in the kitchen when cooking is completely safe and beneficial to health (as long as you don't pack two bags of cinnamon just for breakfast). But if you want to fight diseases with it, keep in mind that:

Pregnant women should be wary of high doses of cinnamon and overuse of cinnamon essential oil (can cause contractions).

Due to the coumarin content, we advise replacing Chinese cinnamon with Ceylon cinnamon, especially when breastfeeding or if you are cooking for children.

Many experts recommend the use of Ceylon cinnamon, precisely because it contains much less coumarin and cinnamaldehyde.

And as always, if you decide to get rid of an illness with a natural remedy and eat more than normal amounts, consult your doctor, especially if you are already taking other medications that could interfere with the natural remedies.

Do you use cinnamon regularly? To eat? For health? Or both?

Raw materials
Cinnamon essential oil
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