Dawn flower essence, 30 ml
Dawn flower essence, 30 ml
Dawn flower essence, 30 ml

Dawn flower essence, 30 ml

Product ID6951
The Dawn flower essence brings new breath into life, stimulates vital energy, life force and supports forward movement.More information
24,04 EUR 19,87 EUR excl. VAT
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The Dawn flower essence brings new breath into life, stimulates vital energy, life force and supports forward movement. It helps to stabilize us in case of internal fluctuations, "out of tune" emotional and psychological mood and to go through even more challenging situations and not get stuck in them. It gradually releases increased tension and promotes our overall relaxation. It helps to harmonize our inner world and not succumb easily to more tense external influences. It helps us go through the "intense waves of life" that come in the most diverse life situations and gradually return to our "inner center" and balance. It is used as a "general" essence for the first touch.

It helps with important changes in life, such as: the period of pregnancy, when it helps with mood swings, internal tension, uncertainty from a new situation, helps not only with internal but also external injuries, before and during important examinations, after a long illness, etc. It can also be a supporting essence in various therapies.

Dawn is an important essence of "New Breath" in various tense moments, helping us to maintain energy by gradually dissipating restlessness and releasing stress that will no longer be so draining. Above all, long-term stress takes a lot of energy, and as a result, we lose the necessary strength to cope with more demanding situations in life.

In order to completely subside our wavering, if it is still needed, we can then continue further, but already in individual therapy, namely by creating a "tailor-made Essence". When using it, even traumas from the past can gradually appear (it's like peeling an onion and currently processing what is needed - what shows up "right now").

The essence is also effective for local skin treatment: on any irritated skin (e.g. itching, after vaccination, on scars after surgery, on welts, etc.) or on places after insect bites.

The overall beneficial effects of the flower essence are obtained by exceptional potentiation of excellent pure spring waters and flower essences.

The use of flower essence in the care of the expectant mother

Pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum can "show" not only current problems, but can also "pull out" problems from the past, even from the past, when the essence can become an important helper in managing them.

When planning a Baby: the essence is used when feeling exhausted, overloaded, very tired and also when worried about not getting pregnant. When needed, up to 9 doses per day can be used to calm an "overloaded" psyche (you can't overdose).

During pregnancy: a woman is more sensitive and a little thing can throw her off balance. Dawn helps to calm her psyche and inner tension (and a cascade of other possible complications may not subsequently develop), so it is recommended to carry it with you. For overall stabilization and energy support, 3 kp are used, even 5 times a day. It is also used preventively before various examinations (e.g. sono, etc.)

Before and after artificial insemination (IVF): the essence helps the woman to energetically support and harmonize, gradually releasing even the most "sensitive" emotions. When needed, 9 doses per day can be taken (do not overdose).

Life situations in which the Dawning flower essence is suitable are really diverse, so it is recommended to have it on hand or in your home first aid kit. And when needed, it is very effective if the essence is used both internally and at the same time externally by rubbing the necessary places.


The regularity and frequency of use play an important role for current and preventive action

In tense situations, 3 drops (kp) are used directly under the tongue, even repeatedly at 9-19 minute intervals until the condition improves. After the problems have subsided, the essence is used for some time, at least 3x3 kp a day, when it is mixed in water and taken in sips.

With a gradual supportive effect, the essence is dripped into a glass (3x3 kp per day) or into a bottle of water (9 kp), mixed and sipped throughout the day. It is used this way for 1 month.

As a preventive measure (to support mental stability), the essence is used 1 to 2 days before an expected more demanding event (e.g. examination or surgery, but also unpleasant meetings, or exams, etc.) 3x3 kp daily directly under the tongue and used as needed also in its course.

As "flower acupuncture", we can apply the essence directly to the pulse, reflex and acupuncture points: e.g. on the back of the neck and 7 cervical vertebrae, on the wrists, on the forehead and temples, on the navel, on the soles of the feet, and then rub it into them in a circular motion (clockwise clockwise).

It is applied locally either directly on the skin, or it is also applied in the form of poultices to the necessary places, when a cotton cloth is soaked in a glass bowl with diluted essence in warm water.

Exceeding the daily dose does not pose a health risk, the essence cannot be overdosed.

Shake it lightly 9 times before use.


Pure spring water, macerate of herb flowers (Prunus cerasifera flower extract, Ornithogalum umbellatum flower extract, Juglas regia flower extract, Helianthemum nummularium flower extract, Olea europea extract, Impatiens glandulifera flower extract). Preserved with fine alcohol (19.2%).

Unit volume (ml)30
Package size1
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