Exceptional baobab – an elixir of health and beauty

Exceptional baobab – an elixir of health and beauty
The powder or oil from the fruits of these giants among the trees is a complete miracle: it will charge you with energy, detoxify the organism, increase immunity, but it can also beautify and rejuvenate the skin.More information
Ingredients for this recipeCarrier OilsSoap
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We all know baobabs primarily as giant trees – according to the pilot from The Little Prince, they are even as big as churches. But the greatness of these trees is not only in size, they are also known as trees of life and act as water reservoirs. Inside the hard fruits of these trees, which are a bit similar to coconuts, there is a hard white pulp that is used to make beneficial baobab powder. From the seeds, which are protected by this pulp, baobab oil is cold-pressed, which, thanks to its exceptional composition, is an ideal aid in the production of skin and hair cosmetics.

An insanely delicious superfood

However, this inconspicuous light powder is an absolutely wonderful source of vitamin C and antioxidants, especially polyphenols, which act as a preventive measure against the formation of mutations that lead to cancerous growth.

Some natural health elixirs are not a complete delicacy in taste, but that cannot be said about baobab powder. It has a slightly citrusy taste, some even smell caramel tones in it, which is why it is the ideal companion for all culinary enthusiasts. For example, it gives desserts a pleasant, sour taste.

And what is the baobab powder actually good for, apart from flavoring food?

Strengthening immunity

Unlike some animals, we humans are not able to "produce" vitamin C ourselves or store it up for bad times, so we are forced to choose foods that contain enough of this vitamin, which is so important for our natural defenses. And it is the baobab powder that will help us with supplementing the vitamin C with an overview - 2 to 3 teaspoons a day will provide us with the recommended daily doses of vitamin C!

A burst of energy

We can sprinkle baobab powder in our coffee, tea or cereal in the morning and we can be sure that we will increase our energy level. It helps the proper absorption of iron into the blood, and that gives us a real kick! In addition, thanks to it, we will avoid feelings of fatigue, sleepiness, or, for example, an insurmountable desire for a short nap. This can unexpectedly stretch to two hours, which will disturb our sleep pattern. You can find more tips on beneficial natural boosters here!

No more bloating and heartburn

Many people today lack a healthy digestive tract and proper digestion. Whether our intestines are bubbling a little every day and we're suffering from bloating, or maybe we're suffering from heartburn, it's clear that something is wrong with our digestion. Baobab powder contains a lot of fiber, which is so important for digestion. For example, we can mix it in yogurt every morning. Since it is basically dried fruit pulp, we can consume the powder without worrying about exceeding any set safe dosage. However, the recommended dose is approximately one to three teaspoons per day.

A great companion for exercise and weight loss

If we regularly make our body happy with a dose of physical activity, baobab powder simply mixed in water or, for example, mixed into a smoothie will support us perfectly. It improves metabolism and supports heart activity and muscle function. We can take it before or after exercise - one way or another, it will help stabilize our energy level.

Correct blood pressure and sugar levels

Obviously, simply ingesting baobab powder is not going to conjure up great blood pressure. However, thanks to vitamin B6, which is important for the proper functioning of the heart, this natural elixir will definitely help to achieve optimal blood pressure. The fiber, in turn, supports the gradual release of sugar in the blood, so baobab powder can also prevent unpleasant fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Beautiful and radiant skin and anti-aging effect

As already mentioned, the pulp of the baobab contains a really large amount of antioxidants - even the most of any fruit. This, in combination with vitamin C, supports the formation of collagen and our skin will be smooth and radiant.

In plastic surgery, collagen is used, for example, in the form of injections injected into the face in order to smooth out wrinkles, but with baobab powder, we support the production of our own collagen safely and non-invasively.

However, we don't have to rely only on internal use, because baobab powder is also excellent for external use. We can add it to some nourishing homemade face mask, to creams, soaps and other cosmetics. Although we can find a lot of nice products containing baobab powder on the market, nothing compares to making it yourself. And depending on what other effects we want our soap to have on our skin, we can create a custom-made soap in the comfort of our own home. Here you can choose - how about mixing in the soap, for example, Damask rose powder to regenerate your skin, or perhaps sweet honey powder for soft, supple skin?

Invaluable baobab oil

Baobab oil is also great for preparing home cosmetics, and it is even said that its effects are equal to those of argan oil. It is especially amazing in skin and hair care products. It contains vitamins A, D, E and F, is quickly absorbed, does not clog pores and is highly hydrating and soothing.

In combination with sea buckthorn, it is then unbeatable.

Baobab oil is a great carrier oil. So, if you're a little bored with the "traditional" oils used in home production, give baobab a chance, you can't go wrong with it! Oils in general have a particularly wide range of uses in cosmetics and you can't replace them with practically anything. However, the best healing effects can be found, of course, in certified organic oils and in those that are cold-pressed. Look here and you can choose from a number of other oils with beneficial properties.

When and for what do you use baobab powder or oil?

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