Instant chocolate, hot cocoa, 1 kg

Instant chocolate, hot cocoa, 1 kg

Product ID6303
An instant mixture for preparing hot chocolate for catering establishments and vending machines, or choco enthusiasts with a large consumption.More information
13,90 EUR 12,64 EUR excl. VAT
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  • Instant mixture for preparing hot chocolate for gastro establishments and vending machines, or chocolate enthusiasts with a large consumption. Sweetened with cane sugar - just pour into a cup, pour hot water or warm milk and stir! FAIR TRADE significantly improves the living conditions of smallholder families in developing countries , provides education for their children and protects the environment.


  • About 2 teaspoons per cup Dosage for preparation in machines indicated on the package


  • Cane sugar (49%), dried whey, defatted cocoa powder (9.5%), vegetable oil, glucose syrup, lactose, milk protein, stabilizer (E340, E452), salt, potassium chloride, E341, emulsifier E471, aroma
Unit weight (g)1000
Most common useChocolate
Package size1
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