Kakaiba - Konjac soap with rice protein, 80-85 g

Kakaiba - Konjac soap with rice protein, 80-85 g

Product ID7290
As the name Kakaiba suggests, in translation it means uniqueness and wonderful and that is definitely what this soap is!More information
7,70 EUR 6,36 EUR excl. VAT
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Characteristics and uses

  • Kakaiba soap contains konjac powder, which is highly valued for its healing effects on the skin.
  • Thanks to the effects of konjac, the skin is soft and literally glows.
  • Konjac removes dead cells from the surface of the skin and cleans the pores very effectively and deeply.
  • Konjac naturally moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • Rice protein strengthens the ability of skin cell renewal and maintains balanced skin moisture thanks to the high amount of glutamine and alanine.
  • It hydrates and protects the skin from adverse effects, improves the ability to heal inflammatory reactions and mechanical damage to the skin - it is also suitable for acne and eczema.
  • The soap is very sensitively composed so that the effects of cognac and rice protein stand out, which gives the skin softness, softness and beauty.
  • The soap is not perfumed.
  • The soap is suitable both for removing make-up and general hygiene of the skin of the whole body
  • Beware of the eyes, natural soaps are not suitable for removing eye make-up, they can sting.
  • Soap weight: +/- 80 - 85 g
Unit weight (g)85
Package size1
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