Mango nibbles for your body - fragrant body butter

30 min
Mango nibbles for your body - fragrant body butter
The uplifting aroma of mango is perfect for the beginning of spring. Surrender to her beautifully and envelop yourself in a cloud of delicious fragrance. This butter smells so amazing it will make you drool. Just be careful not to get eaten!More information
Ingredients for this recipe30g of mango butter15g of tea tree oil10g of jojoba oil5g of rosehip oil1.25g of vitamin EA few drops of mango aromatic extractA 60 mlcontainer
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Beloved mango

Before we get into making this treat for your skin, we need to say a few words about mango butter.

The number one advantage will, of course, be its amazing absorbency - on the one hand, it does not leave unpleasant grease on the skin, and on the other hand, it does not suffocate our pores. And this is one of the most important things that we all take into account when making natural homemade creams. It's wonderful to have natural cosmetics, but no one wants to be left with a greasy stain. But with mango butter, we don't have to worry about such greasiness at all.

Of course, that's not all, because mango butter is truly a universal product. You can also use it alone - it's a great, natural anti-aging product - it contains a lot of antioxidants, but also vitamin A, which works against wrinkles, but also works as a great prevention. It wonderfully hydrates dry skin and you can also use it as a gentle care for eczematous skin. Don't forget about it in the summer - it will protect you from UV radiation, but it will also soothe skin irritated by the sun after tanning. Expectant mothers can also reach for it - regular tummy lubrication will help you fight stretch marks. In this case, mango butter works as prevention, but it also contributes to the healing of already formed stretch marks.

Mango butter can then be used as a healing ointment for abrasions and small wounds. It will speed up healing and also have an antiseptic effect.

Next to the party

Mango butter is amazing on its own, but to make this treat for our skin perfect, we need to embellish it with other wonderful ingredients. And which ones are they?

Mango aromatic extract

When you say mango, people immediately think of the delicious taste and smell... And that's why when you say mango butter, everyone will immediately think of the wonderful smell. But! Mango butter is made from the seeds of the mango, not the fragrant pulp, so the butter itself doesn't have that refreshing, sweet scent. A bit of a disappointment, huh? Mango butter is fragrance-free - which is a bit of a shame. But everything has a solution, no worries… We are here to fix it! And it's very simple - just add a little mango aromatic extract!

Speaking of scents, we can immediately explain the difference between an extract, an essential oil and a cosmetic scent, and why we use an aromatic extract in this recipe.

As for 100 % natural extracts (for cosmetics and food), they are suitable both for cosmetics and for various delicacies - for example, fruit desserts to give them the necessary aroma, because as you know, smell goes hand in hand with taste. 100 % natural essential oils and essential oils are used in the production of cosmetics, healing and aromatherapy, but we would not be able to put them in food. Even in cosmetics, they need to be slightly diluted. In cosmetic fragrances, there are essential oils in which some component is synthetic, in addition, it is mostly a fragrance composition or composition of several fragrances.

But mango aromatic extract is the best match for mango body butter, which adds authenticity to our butter.

Japanese camellia oil - tea tree oil

It obtains oil from camellia seeds, more precisely by cold pressing them, and although it is not the most well-known of the oils, it is very popular in the cosmetic industry. It is a balm for our skin - this oil is very well absorbed, penetrates very deeply into our skin and supports the growth of our cells. It also does not clog pores and moisturizes well, suitable for dry skin.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is one of the most valued cosmetic oils. It works as a carrier and massage oil, it is very well absorbed and it also has regenerative abilities. It has a natural protective factor and with its regular use we can "lubricate" ourselves to more resistant skin.

Rosehip oil

Aromatic extract from mango gave our cream the desired aroma, and this friend in turn gives it a nice color to remind us of mango in appearance. And you don't have to worry, this super little oil will not stain the skin. In addition, rosehip oil is also very famous in skin care. It is like a dog for acne, but it also takes care of the scars that acne sometimes leaves behind, or even stretch marks. In addition, it absorbs well and does not leave the skin greasy, which is why it also deserves the nickname "dry oil".

Vitamin E

It is important to always have the right dose of all vitamins, but with vitamin E this also applies externally. It has a firming effect on our skin, just as rosehip oil also works against scars, it is a natural anti-aging agent and can help us to have radiant skin.

We already know the ingredients of the orange beauty, so let's mix it up!

The most fragrant mango body butter

What does it take?

- 30 g (1/8 cup) mango butter

- 15 g (1 tablespoon) of tea tree oil

- 10 g (2 teaspoons) of jojoba oil

- 5 g (1 teaspoon) rosehip oil

- 1.25 g (1 teaspoon) of vitamin E (in oil)

- A few drops (optional) of mango aromatic extract

- A container with a content of at least 60 ml (for example, this elegant one)

How to do it?

We will prepare a water bath, so a slightly larger pot into which we pour three to five centimeters of water. Place it on the stove and dip a heat-resistant bowl inside the pot. We put the weighted mango butter in a bowl and while it melts, we prepare a cooling bowl that is large enough to fit a fireproof bowl with the melted mango butter. We then fill it about halfway with cold water and ice cubes - do not skip this step, we will cool the preparation while mixing, thanks to which it will acquire an unmistakable soft texture and fine consistency.

When the mango butter has melted, remove the heatproof bowl from the water bath and add the tea tree and jojoba oil to the liquid mango butter and place the bowl in the cold water bath. Mix well for about a minute, then add rosehip oil, vitamin E and mango aromatic extract. We stir until a "trace" is formed - soap makers know, non-soap makers will wait until our wooden spoon or other stirrer begins to leave behind a faint trail - the mass is just stiff enough that after mixing in the mixture, the wooden spoon's mark will be visible for a while. We are looking for the consistency of, for example, honey or condensed milk. At this stage, we can start dispensing the cream into the container. Then let it sit for at least 6 hours, but be careful not to rush and put the cream in the refrigerator!

After patiently waiting, we can now enjoy our new, natural and delicious mango cream. You can then also use it during a massage, the consistency is perfect for it, the butter starts to melt immediately after contact with the moist skin, it spreads excellently, it is absorbed quickly enough, and the wonderful aroma will only help you relax! And don't worry, even if the butter is this bright orange, you won't be that color. We like to put it on at night and on a wet face, and that's a treat.

Manga addict!

It's not hard to become addicted to mangoes, we've certainly covered enough of its amazing effects to make it clear that mangoes are simply love. But this addiction is totally fine! So don't resist it at all and don't be afraid to try other great recipes with mango.

This mango hair treatment will add nourishment to your hair. And if you don't want to cheat on your favorite shea butter or cocoa butter, in this recipe you can whip them all together into a beautifully soft body cream. You can also find a great ingredient in the form of mango butter in this recipe for a fragrant chocolate lip balm, or even in a recipe for natural eye shadows, or here, in a recipe for a fragrant sunscreen, which will soon also be needed every day, because the sun is finally here he's back on the scene!

Mango powder is then suitable as a spice, or to flavor certain dishes... There is simply never enough mango, not even at Ekokoza! :)

What are your experiences with mango butter? What do you use it for and how satisfied are you with it?

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Raw materials
30g of mango butter
15g of tea tree oil
10g of jojoba oil
5g of rosehip oil
1.25g of vitamin E
A few drops of mango aromatic extract
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