Marseille soap, flakes

Marseille soap, flakes, 18 kg

Product ID6891
Marseille soap in the form of flakes is already effective at low temperatures and is especially suitable for ordinary laundry, but also for delicate fabrics or wool.More information
174,0 EUR 143,8 EUR excl. VAT

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  • Washing flakes are already effective at low temperatures.
  • They are suitable for ordinary laundry, delicate fabrics, they are very suitable for wool.
  • The soap is also suitable for washing diapers and baby clothes.
  • The soap does not contain synthetic dyes, aromas or preservatives.
  • Easily decomposed in nature.
  • Use: Add about a glass of flakes to 5 liters of water.
  • Since they are already grated, the fun but laborious grating is eliminated.
  • Raw material for production.
  • Composition: sodium tallowate (66.52%), aqua (18.36%), sodium cocate (13.62%), glycerin (0.88%), sodium chloride (0.45%), sodium hydroxide (0. 10%), etidronic acid (0.07%)
Unit weight (g)18000
Most common useDetergents
Package size1
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