Roll-on ball - Tiger's eye

Roll-on ball - Tiger's eye

Product ID8175
Stone ball for roll ons incl. white neck.More information
0,75 EUR 0,62 EUR excl. VAT
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  • Do you like to use rollerballs for your serums or perfumes and believe in the power of stones?
  • You can put these wonderful stone balls in the roll ons, which you can find under this label.
  • It will be your personal oasis of peace and harmony that you can always have with you.
  • Put it in your roll-on and let yourself be carried away by the beneficial properties of the stone.
  • The stone ball is inserted into a plastic neck.

Yellow tiger eye

  • Yellow tiger eye is like a protective shield that provides strength and support in various areas of life.
  • Its energy is combined with self-confidence and courage, helping to clarify thoughts and decisions.
  • People often choose it for its ability to attract prosperity while warding off negative influences.
  • It is a stone that can enhance a sense of inner strength while acting as a guide to clarity and success.
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