Warming candle with cinnamon

Warming candle with cinnamon

Product ID8493
When the oven smells like strudel, the rain is knocking on the window, strike a match and light Hřejiva. A natural candle with an aromatherapy cinnamon scent.More information
12,46 EUR 10,30 EUR excl. VAT
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  • It smells of rare cinnamon oil that comes from the bark of a tropical tree native to Sri Lanka. And it is made of pure soy wax and natural wick.
  • And why is the candle aromatherapy? Because it can replace the beneficial moment you would enjoy in the presence of an aroma lamp.
  • The cinnamon aroma warms up even ice creams, so it is suitable for dry, frosty and unfriendly months. In addition, it strengthens breathing, immunity and is great for catching a cold.
  • The essence evokes a feeling of home, safety, which is as good as cinnamon on a strudel in times of greater darkness. It has euphoric effects and strongly harmonizes the nervous system, so light the candle if you feel tension or nervousness. Well, Hřejivá is hot as hell for work.
  • Burning time approx. 20 hours.
Unit volume (ml)120
Package size1
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