Babassu oil

Babassu Oil, 4.7 kg (5 l)

Product ID7096
Babassu oil is used in cosmetic products such as soaps or hair care products.More information
137,8 EUR 113,9 EUR excl. VAT

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  • Refined
  • Raw material for the production of cosmetics

When used in cosmetic products

  • Does not leave a greasy feeling.
  • It is more penetrating than coconut oil or palm oil.
  • It is excellent for making soap (more lather).
  • Prevents skin dehydration.
  • Prevents hair dehydration.
  • Restores shine and strength to damaged hair.

It is used in designated products

  • For all skin types, even the most sensitive
  • For damaged, dehydrated skin
  • For rough skin

Instructions and tips for use

  • This oil tends to solidify at temperatures below 20°C. This phenomenon has no effect on its quality.
  • It can be used pure or mixed with essential oils as a day cream or night balm or in soaps.


  • Orbignya Oleifera (Babassu) Oil
Unit weight (g)4700
Unit volume (ml)5000
Package size1
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