Veg lanolin, vegetable lanolin

Veg lanolin, vegetable lanolin, 5kg

Product ID8460
In balms and glosses as a protective and softening additive. It is a vegetable substitute for lanolin or petroleum jelly.More information
264,0 EUR 218,2 EUR excl. VAT

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  • Vegetable substitute for lanolin or petroleum jelly
  • Our veg lanolin is made from renewable plant ingredients and perfectly mimics the original animal lanolin.
  • It looks similar to lanolin and sensory properties such as spreadability, gloss, stickiness, thickness and elastic effect are equivalent.
  • Like lanolin, the lipids in vegetable lanolin play a vital role in regulating skin moisture. This ability is related to their ability to bind water (four times their weight in water) and their semi-occlusive ability.
  • Veg Lanolin can also prevent moisture loss and rehydration in this way. These cumulative properties help to regulate the hydrolipidic film on the surface of the skin, restoring softness and elasticity, especially in dry skin.
  • In soaps, Veg Lanolin acts as a degreasing agent and minimizes skin dehydration.
  • Raw material for the production of cosmetics.
  • Solubility: in hot fats


  • Smoothing ingredient, softens the skin
  • Protective skin layer: creates a protective film
  • Hydrating (moisturizing agent)
  • Smoothes wrinkles and fine lines
  • A co-emulsifier improves emulsion stability


  • 1 to 100% depending on use, we recommend dosing in emulsions up to 10%, for anhydrous preparations up to 30%
  • In cream: 2 to 10%
  • In balms: 2 to 30%


  • Butyrospermum Parkii Butter (und) Glyceryl Rosinate (und) Olea Europaea Öl Unsaponifiables
Unit weight (g)5000
Package size1
Country of originEU
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