Wax for Aromatherapy: Santal and Saffron

Wax for Aromatherapy: Santal and Saffron

Product ID8555
Discover the magic of handmade fragrance in an aroma lamp in the shape of autumn leaves made of natural soy wax, which will transform your home into an oasis of peace and relaxation in a few moments.More information
9,43 EUR 7,79 EUR excl. VAT
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Handmade aroma lamp fragrance from natural soy wax in the shape of a small chocolate for your relaxation after a hard day. Just break off one piece, place it on your aroma lamp, and in no time you will feel its soothing atmosphere.

To start, put one piece of wax in the aroma lamp. If you want to intensify the scent, add another piece. Or try one of our candles, which will bring you the same scent as our waxes.

If you decide to refresh your wardrobe with our waxes, keep it wrapped.


Weight: 55g (+/- 10%)

Fragrance: Santal and saffron

Most common useCandles
Package size1
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